Why Ipswich Fails
Our Aims
Reform Suffolk Campaign
Ipswich Northern Bypass
Ipswich City Status
Orwell Ahead
Why Ipswich Fails
Our Aims
Reform Suffolk Campaign
Ipswich Northern Bypass
Ipswich City Status
Your view matters:
We welcome your thoughts and ideas. To have your say simply complete the form below.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
First Half of Postcode
Do you support the aims of the Orwell Ahead Campaign?
What does the Greater Ipswich and Orwell area need most in order to prosper ?
Tick all the ones you think are important.
1. Proportionate representation on the New Anglia LEP Board to reflect our economic size.
2. A permanent place of the New Anglia LEP Board for the Port of Felixstowe or Port Users Association.
3. A business and academic led group to champion our economic zone.
4. Ipswich Orbital (full Northern dual carriageway bypass).
5. Proportionate representation on the Suffolk County Council Cabinet that respects Ipswich's former county-borough status.
6. A need for revised Greater Ipswich boundaries that acknowledge the true, expanded and shared area .
7. A single local plan for the houses and infrastructure dependent upon the shared greater Ipswich & Felixstowe area.
8. City status.
9. A full reform of local government, including a unitary authority for Greater Ipswich and Orwell area.
From the above list which number do you think is the single most important?
Which infrastructure projects do you think will deliver the greatest benefits to the Orwell Peninsula?
Tick all those you think are important.
1. Norwich in 90/Ipswich in 60.
2. M12 motorway from London to Colchester.
3. M12 motorway from London to Ipswich.
4. M14 motorway from Felixstowe to the Midlands.
5. Ipswich Wet Dock Crossing.
6. Ipswich Orbital (full northern bypass).
7. Dual electrified rail line between Ipswich and Felixstowe.
8. Rail improvements between Cambridge and Ipswich.
From the above list which number do you think is the single most important?
Do you have any suggestions for improvements to the Greater Ipswich and Orwell area? Or any other comments?
Thank you!