Over 40 [and growing] local business or community leaders have already expressed support or firm interest for our key concerns and aims. Time for you to have a greater say !
Many of you have already expressed comments and support for a single voice and greater political power for our £8bn economic zone.
We want to share your views with interested parties, local and national political leaders, our MPs, and New Anglia LEP.
We invite you to send us your thoughts, opinions, comments, ideas - short or long - via our website.
A greater difference !
Since our campaign launch there have been several encouraging developments; suggesting that a greater voice for/interest in Greater Ipswich does achieve results !
November 9: Dr Tim Whitley, MD for Adastral Park joins New Anglia LEP Board.
November 10. Ipswich Chamber demands better roads and technology for Ipswich, and calls for authorities to look again at Ipswich Orbital/ Northern bypass.
November 2. EADT’s Paul Geater asks “should Ipswich expand boundaries ? Huge responses in favour posted on EADT online site.
October 19. Ipswich Vision Conference. David Ellesmere states Ipswich has to expand administrative boundaries.
However, disappointing that on November 4, county and districts met Lord Heseltine to discuss Devolution for Norfolk and Suffolk, without listening to calls for direct political empowerment for the Greater Ipswich economic zone !
Orwell Ahead says:
"We need to put petty rivalries aside. We have to recognise the historic interdependence and importance of Central Ipswich, Adastral Park, and the Port of Felixstowe. It is within all our interests that the £8bn pa Greater Ipswich and South East Suffolk economic zone is strong, has a single voice and ambition, and that our economic zone has greater say and sway.
And if Devolution Suffolk proceeds then we must have permanent and proportionate representation on the New Anglia LEP and our own direct regional government empowerment too; to protect our economic prosperity and as Suffolk’s counter-balance to Norwich & Cambridge”.