Suffolk Coastal & Waveney District Council Merger?
Rumours persist that SCDC & Waveney District Council are seeking to merge to form East Suffolk District Council. Should this happen, Ipswich will have no say in the decision, or over the future of the vital economic zone it underpins.
We believe SCDC voters in the Ipswich & Felixstowe peninsula should be allowed to decide if their future is to be “Orwell” or “Deben “focused. Do they wish to remain part of a “Deben”; Woodbridge led and Lowestoft controlled super district, with more rural outlook and needs; with priorities for upgrading the A12 to Sizewell where few in Felixstowe will benefit? Or, would they prefer to be powerful contributors and beneficiaries in a Greater Ipswich council; an A12/A14 easternpower-house, maintaining and growing industrial and historic ties along the Orwell. Whatever the outcome, people in the Felixstowe peninsula should have a real say, and not just blindly accept what SCDC & Waveney impose upon them.
Devolution Suffolk & Norfolk
Devolution for Suffolk & Norfolk can be a great opportunity for our area; but there are alarming risks for Greater Ipswich. Ipswich entered Suffolk County Council as an equal partner in a three way stake-holding in 1974. But, from a powerful regional centre with complete control over the higher county aspects of local government, Ipswich has endured lengthy spells of having no voice or control at all on the all-powerful cabinet.
Devolution East Anglia based on existing structures (12 districts, 2 boroughs and 2 county councils) will magnify the impact; risking future economic development and infrastructure for Greater Ipswich; perpetuating a lack of accountability and ambition for our town and the economic zone it sustains.
We believe that there must be a balance of power and representation; balance between the two counties, balance between the rural counties and the two major urban areas of Greater Ipswich & Greater Norwich; and balance between Greater Ipswich & Greater Norwich themselves.
Our top decision makers for Greater Ipswich and Felixstowe: The Suffolk County Council Cabinet. Not one is located here or is directly accountable to the £7.8b economic zone (two-thirds of Suffolk’s economic output) or its people. #alwaysletdownthecountytown