On 6 May, 2021 many of us will go to the polls to vote in county council elections.
Regardless of your political persuasion the very least you will expect is that your vote counts and that your town and locality is fairly represented.
After all Ipswich is a former County-Borough, one of the oldest local democracies on the planet, with a right to govern since 1200AD.
How wrong and how disappointed you will be when you realize that despite being one of three authorities to form Suffolk County Council in 1974, that the county cabinet rarely contains anyone elected for and by Ipswich!
How can a town that is the catalyst for two-thirds of Suffolk's GVA, which sustains a third of its population, always struggle?
Well perhaps that could be because, very often, no one elected here makes decisions for it at county level....Ipswich has been Suffolkated. The rural Suffolk cart permanently driving the urban Ipswich horse.