ORWELL AHEAD calls for a joined-up BACKUP PLAN FOR THE ORWELL BRIDGE to preserve prosperity for Greater Ipswich & Felixstowe, and far beyond.
Like many we are appealing for COLLECTIVE ATTENTION and ACTION from Ipswich & Felixstowe MPs (Jack Abbott, Patrick Spencer, and Jenny Riddell Carpenter), Suffolk County Council, Ipswich Borough Council, ESDC, Babergh & MSDC, Transport East, Suffolk Chamber, and the newly established Suffolk Business Board.
In 2016, Suffolk County Council commissioned WSP to carry out major analysis of the Greater Ipswich & Felixstowe transport system. It overwhelmingly evidenced the need for an Ipswich Northern Bypass (INR). Producing greatest savings of C02 emissions (110,000 tonnes over 60 years).
£2.1 BILLION GVA & 15,000 jobs in Ipswich and Felixstowe;
£16 BILLION GVA & 30,000 jobs in the East as a whole.
Supporting 40% Britain's containerized trade, & its significant portion of Britain's £127 BILLION GVA in freight & £400 BILLION GVA in manufacturing.
Sources: WSP. UK Chamber. GovUK
In 2018, SCC commissioned WSP again to carry out analysis for Orwell Crossings (in addition to a INR). Once again, road crossing considered vital as a backup route for when the bridge closes + essential east-west link across town and could take 15% volume of traffic off the bridge.
The 2020 INR consultation was in our opinion an absolute sham, deliberately designed to fail. Adding two further unlikely “phantom” routes, galvanised 20 Suffolk villages and two Suffolk districts against ANY bypass. 10 public consultations staged, 9 in hostile villages that thought they may be affected; just ONE in Ipswich and NONE in Felixstowe!
SCC then declared that “Suffolk doesn't support a bypass for Ipswich”! Yet, the consultation had NEVER been billed as a referendum or verdict on the scheme. Ipswich and Felixstowe have been duped.
The INR was shelved. Months later SCC claimed the Orwell Crossings is too expensive & shelved it too.
Four years later all we have is inertia. All the evidence ignored. The problem grows. NO plan B. NO alternative routes planned. The whole Northern Bypass scheme has been shelved.
12,000 houses planned to the north, east and west of Ipswich, 8000 of them by neighbouring rural Suffolk Councils by East Suffolk Council and Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils, who love to dump their housing on Ipswich's back door but never equip Ipswich and its shared stakeholders with the roads, services and infrastructure needed to cope.
The chance to future-proof Ipswich & Felixstowe's highway and infastructure needs for the next 50 years is gone, and eventually along with our major container trades (and 30,000 local jobs), to London and Southampton who have wisely invested in their roads.
There is no proposed link road, or single carriageway relief road planned around the north for the new houses, and even upgrades to key junctions like Copdock are decades away. Suffolk County Council has no plans, ideas or strategy at all for Ipswich & Felixstowe's highways, nor backup for the Orwell Bridge should it fail.